UNIT 4. ASSESSMENT (Continued)


Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:


(For this instruction, sign on as the assessment worker, Rob Banks and select the Macarena referral)
Documenting interviews with clients/collaterals
  1. Click on the Assessment button. (The Assessment toolbar appears). From the Assessment toolbar, click on the Interviews button.
Note: The assessment screens can be accessed only after a referral has been accepted for assessment by a supervisor.
  1. Review the Victim/Chins interview by clicking on the Vctm/CHINS button on the Assessment/Interviews toolbar.
Note: The narrative button on the Assessment toolbar is a read-only screen containing the narrative from the referral. You can view it but cannot add information to it.
  1. Review the Perpetrator/PRFC interview by clicking on the P/P Intv. button on the Assessment/Interviews toolbar.
Note: As with many Bridges screens, the interview screen contains a field to enter the name of a WORD document to associate with the screen. You can use a WORD document to access additional text space and put the document name on this screen so it can be read with the rest of the screen data. The document must be saved to a common network directory so others can access it.
  1. Review the Collateral interviews by clicking on the Coll Intv. button on the Assessment/Iterviews toolbar.

Removal Screens
  1. From the Referral/Assessment toolbar, click on the Removal button. (The Select Client dialog box appears.)
  2. Make sure Mary Macarena is highlighted and click on [Show] (The Child's removal from PRFC - Mary Macarena" screen appears.)
  3. Scroll through the information entered an this screen, when done click on [Cancel], then click on the Workload button (the Referral/Acceptance toolbar is returned).

Placement Screens
  1. From the Referral/Assessment toolbar, click on the Placement button. (The "select referral placement client" dialog box appears.)
  2. Make sure Mary Macarena is highlighted and click an [Show]. The placement toolbar appears.)
  3. Click on the Place button (the "Select Placement Episode" dialog box appears). Click on [Show]. (The Place toolbar appears.)
  4. Click on the Place toolbar buttons to review the information that can be entered regarding a placement episode.
  5. When done viewing placement information, click on the Workload button (the Referral/Assessment toolbar appears).

Recording a New Allegation The mother's denial and anger at her daughter indicate that she is unwilling to protect her daughter from the alleged abuse. An allegation of neglect against the mother, Maggie Macarena, is entered during the assessment by Rob Banks.
Note: The "collected during assessment" radio button on the Abuse/Neglect Allegations screen will automatically be clicked on. (For this instruction,access the workload for Rob Banks and select the Macarena4 referral)
  1. Click on the Assessment button. (The Assessment toolbar appears.)
  2. Click on the A/N Alleg button. (The "Abuse/Neglect Information-Macarena4" screen appears.)
  3. There is an inset grid with the sexual abuse allegation from the initial referral showing. Click on the [Clear] command button to create a blank screen where you can enter a new allegation.
  4. Select Mary Macarena4 from the Client Name picklist.
  5. Select Neglect from the Abuse/Neglect category picklist.
  6. Select Failure to Protect from the Abuse/Neglect type picklist.
  7. Click on the Alleged Perpetrator multi-select button. (The "select perpetrator" dialog box appears.)
  8. Select Maggie Macarena4 from the choices on the left side or the dialog box. (The [Add] button is enabled.)
  9. Click on the [Add] button. (Maggie Macarena4 moves under Perpetrators on the right side of the box)
  10. Click on the [OK] button in the "select perpetrator" dialog box (you are returned to the "Abuse/Neglect Information - Macarena4" screen.)
  11. Click on the [Add] command button (the inset grid will show two allegations - one for abuse, one for neglect).
  12. When you have both allegations showing, Click on the [Cancel] button.
  13. Exit the NH BRIDGES application

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