Review contact from child's
- Sign on as UserID = rbanks, Password = training. Access your
workload and select case Macarena.
Note: To enter the contact, you would have clicked on New and
completed the collateral contact screen. (If Lucy Lambada does not
appear in the picklist, you need to add her name to the collateral
inf. section- See Unit 4)
- From the Case toolbar, click on the Services button. From the Case
Services toolbar, click on Contacts (the select contact dialog box
appears). Select Lucy Lambada and click on [Show] (the "client contact
information-Macarena" screen appears).
Note: The collateral inf. can be copied to
the case from the referral/assessment
Enter the Coil Inf. screen and use the
copy command button to select and copy
collaterals inf. into the Case. |
- View the contact information entered.
Administrative Case Review |
For this demonstration, you should be signed on as Rob Banks
(Userid = rbanks; Password = training) and navigate to the Macarena
Note: The Administrative Case Reviewer will sign on to NH
BRIDGES with their own UserlD and Password; their name will appear in
the "reviewer" field on the Administrative Case Review screen.
- From the Case toolbar, click on the Other button. (The
"Other Case Information" window appears) .
- From the Case Other toolbar, click on the Case Review button. (The
Select client dialog box appears.)
- Select Mary Maearena and click on [Show] (The "Administrative
Review" window appears.)
Note: To enter a new Administrative Case Review in the
database, you would enter applicable information on the Administrative
Case Review screen and click on the Add button. |
- The details of the Administrative Case Review are not entered -
only a designated case reviewer, with their own sign-on, can enter
data on this screen.
Updating the Case Plan |
- From the Case toolbar, click on Case Plan (the Case Plan toolbar
and "Case Planning - Macarena" window appears).
- Click on the Fam Ctr button. (The select family centered plan dialog box appears.)
- Select the most recent Case plan and click on the
[Show] button. (The Family Centered toolbar
appears above a blank window.)
- Click on the Fam Ctr Plan button. (The "Family Centered Plan Case
Goals - Macarena" window appears.)
Note: The Copy button can be used to keep a record of the
original plan in the database, and provide a copy of the plan in which
you can make changes to reflect a plan update. You can then save the
updated information back to the database. In this way, you will create
an historical record of case plan activity. |
- Click on the [Copy]
button. (The screen returns quickly.)
- Change the information on this screen:
- Select a plan completion date;
- Select "administrative review" from the "reason for update" picklist;
- Enter the family's situation details in the text box provided, as well
as any other relevant data.
- Click on the [Add] button to record your changes.
Note: Plan approval is requested from
the Obj/Svcs screen "Approval" button
- Click on the Obj/Svcs button. (The "Family Centered Plan
Objectives/Services - Macarena" window appears.)
Note: The Svcs Plnr screen should be
populated with services to the child that
would continue or plan to be put into
effect. |
- Enter the objectives analysis in the box provided (mother's lack of
concern may cause a change in case plan goals).
- Click on the [Add] button. Click on the Svcs Plnr button.