Sign off NH BRIDGES and restart the system by double clicking the NH
BRIDGES icon on the Windows 95 desktop. At the login dialog box, sign on as
Intake Worker Ferris Wheeler by entering fwheeler at the UserID text box. The
password is: training.
Searching the BRIDGES
database: |
To search NH BRIDGES for prior reports regarding a specific individual or
- Click on the Search button of the Main Toolbar. (The Search toolbar
- Click on the Bridges button of the Search toolbar. (The Client Search
dialog box appears.)
Note: In BRIDGES, Mandatory fields
appear in yellow. You must enter
something in these fields before the
screen can be processed. |
- Enter Macarena in the Last Name field.
Note: Soundex Search will display all
values in the database that match your
search criteria exactly, as well as those
that sound similar to your criteria.
- Click on the Soundex Search checkbox.
Note: If there had been no matches, an
informational window saying "No matches
found" would appear.
- Click on the [OK] button. (The search results dialog box appears, with an
inset grid showing all the matches.)
- Select Mary Macarena and Click on the [Show] button. (The Bridges search
- Mary Macarena screen appears below the toolbar.)
Note: The Referrals button on the
Search Bridges toolbar shows all the
referrals this client has been associated
with. The Add Client button allows you to
directly add this client and their
associated inf. to a currently in focus
referral/assessment or case.
- Click through the various toolbar buttons to view information about Mary Macarena.
Note: if you wanted to search with
different criteria, click on the Search
button in the Search Results dialog box
rather than Show. You would be
returned to the Client Search dialog box.
- When done, click on the Exit Search button on the Search toolbar.(The Search toolbar is
Documenting a Referral |
To create a new referral, follow these steps: |
New Referral - How to |
- Click on the Workload button on the Main Toolbar. (The Workload(Case/Referral dialog box
Note: Upon first entering the New
Referral screen, all the other Referral 2.
toolbar buttons are locked until the first
screen of the referral is saved to the
- Click on the Referral/Assessment Radio button. Click on the [New] button.
Then Click on the [OK]
button (The Referral toolbar and "Referral-New" window appears.)
Note: Either/Or Mandatory fields are 3.
used to indicate either one or the other
field is mandatory. An example can be
found on the Client Demographics screen
- either the Date of Birth or the
Approximate Age of the client must be
- Details regarding this referral can be entered on this screen.
Note: On the Referral screen, there is a
Copy button. It is used to duplicate the
referral and narrative information, and
creates a new record in the database with
the copied information. It can be useful to
refer a new family name where more than
one family lives in the same home.
An example has been set up for this training class. To access the example, follow the steps for
"Sample Referral- Opening" below:
Sample Referral - Opening
To View the demonstration referral:
- Click on the [Cancel] button on the Referral-New window to return to the Referral Toolbar. (The
referral toolbar appears above a blank screen.)
- Click on the Workload button on the Referral toolbar. (The Main toolbar appears above the
BRIDGES image.)
Note: Steps 3 through 8 are used to
view any existing referral
- Click on the Workload button on the Main toolbar. (The Workload/Case/Referral dialog box
Note: If you know the BRIDGES referral
ID number of the referral you wish to
view, enter it next to the Existing radio
button and Click on OK to go directly to
that referral!
- Click on the Referral/Assessment radio button. Click on the Existing Radio button. Click on
[Search...] button. (The Referral Search dialog box appears.)
- Enter Macarena in the Referral Name field. Notice that the [OK] button is
"grayed out", or disabled. To activate the [OK] button, press the Tab key and
then click on [OK]; or just press Enter. (The Referral Search Matches dialog
box is displayed.)
There are two inset grids on the Referral Search dialog box: the inset grid
at the top displays all referrals that match your search criteria; the inset
grid at the bottom displays all clients associated with the referral in focus
(highlighted). The middle portion of the dialog box shows summary information
about the referral in focus.
- Highlight the Macarena referral and click on the [Show] button. (The
Referral/Assessment - Macarena window appears.)
Note: The I/R Services button should
only be used to record a request for
services when you are sure this will not
be acceptedforinvestigation. This is
because once you enter information on
this screen it automatically requires
screening out the referral.
- Click on the Referral button on the Referral/Assessment toolbar. (The Referral toolbar
above a blank screen titled Intake - Macarena.)
- The instructor will click on the various buttons of this toolbar to view referral information
Instruction: Reviewing Referral Information
Note: Once all referral information has
been entered, you must take a snapshot
of the referral before it can be accepted
for assessment
Note: on the Demo screens, it is
necessary to check the "participating as a
child" field for all kids, so they will be
available in reports to law enforcement,
and in victim picklists, etc.
Notes On the Relations screen, it is not
necessary to enter reciprocal
relationships. Bridges does not
automatically create reciprocal
relationships. Also multiple relations
between the same two clients cannot be
Note: A/N Allegations must be entered
for each child and for each allegation. If
there are three children being neglected,
there should be 3 lines of allegations. If
two of those children are also abused,
two more allegations must be added.
Note: On A/N Allegations screen,
BRIDGES defaults to the Alleged by
Reporter radio button. If additional inf. is
collected during assessment, the system
will default to Collected During
Note: The Medical screen is used to add
inf. about a victim who either needs or
has received medical attention. The
Drugs screen is used to add specific inf.
about babies born exposed to drugs, and
mother's drug test inf
Note: On the Referral/Assessment
toolbar, the Law Enforcement Report
screen is available to both Intake staff (to
complete reports for out-of-home
perpetrators) and Assessment staff (to
complete notification for referrals that are
going to assessment), via the Law Enf.
Note: The Notes screen can be used to
add inf. that doesn't fit in other screens of
the referral. Information entered on the
Notes screen does not populate to any
other BRIDGES screen.